Planning for Change: How We Help Organizational Leaders Strategize

At the Lupton Center, we talk about the need for adaptive change quite a bit. At the same talk, we talk about strategy quite a bit. For organizational leaders, we understand how pursuing both of these can pose a paradox. How do you plan and simultaneously plan to change those plans?  These two endeavors often […]

At the Lupton Center, we talk about the need for adaptive change quite a bit. At the same talk, we talk about strategy quite a bit. For organizational leaders, we understand how pursuing both of these can pose a paradox. How do you plan and simultaneously plan to change those plans? 

These two endeavors often live in tension, which is why we created Planning for Change.

What is Planning for Change? 

This is a two-day offering where we come alongside you and your team to do both long-term planning and flexibility planning. We work with Change-Makers like you to draft a 3-5 year strategic plan. At the same time, we collaborate with you to create a framework that you can use as a guide to make values-aligned changes to that plan over time. Constructing a plan that stays true to your core is an integral part of the process. 

Our approach is more than a planning map and a process. We focus on relationship building and use a place-based ecosystem factor evaluation. Setting up milestones along the way provides long-term stickiness. We select quantifiable variables to track results that make sense for your organization. Even more, we work with you to chart when your organization will need to focus on internal change, and when to press out into making change in the neighborhood.

The way our own President, Jim Wehner, described it was by creating a hierarchy of choosing between what is good, better and best. As you walk out of planning for change, you will have indicators for when to accelerate certain strategic initiatives, pause others, and where to maintain consistency. We want to equip you to know when to say “yes,” “no,” or “not yet.” 

How Planning for Change Can Help Your Organization

As Jim Wehner explained after going through planning for change, impact takes time. Planning for Change identifies the core values and strategies of your organization, and charts a course for you to execute them. After teasing out the DNA of your organization, Planning for Change provides a framework for you to see how effective your work is.

Sometimes, it can be difficult for a Change-Maker to know whether a lack of results means a) it’s time to stay the course or b) it’s time to change approach to something more effective. This offering helps you know the difference.

This multi-pronged approach to planning enables you to walk away with a plan that can accompany you and help you make decisions long-term.
Are you ready to take your organization to the next level? Click here to view our courses or email us for more information.